
If you are making arrangements to fly to camp, you can choose from four airports. Plattsburgh, NY is about one hour from Lake Placid. Montreal, QC, Burlington, VT and Albany, NY are all about two hours from Lake Placid.

Arrival Time

Registration will take place early afternoon on Friday. After Registration and brief introductions, we will jump right into a team stretch and then head out to the ice.

Departure Time

Closing Remarks will take place on Sunday around 11:30am.

Border Crossing

US and Canadian citizens traveling across border lines by land are required to present one of the travel documents listed below.

- Passport
- Passport Card (US citizens only)
- Enhanced Driver´s Licence/Enhanced Identification Card
- FAST/Express
- SENTRI card

U.S. and Canadian children under the age of 16 will be able to present the original or copy of their birth certificates, or other proof of citizenship such as a naturalization certificate or citizenship card.

Please call or visit the following websites for any updates on travel requirements:

Canada Border Services Agency

1-800-461-9999 or 204-983-3500

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
877-227-5511 or 703-526-4200

Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative


Please use our interactive map to explore the greater Lake Placid area and to get venue address.