Montreal Nov 3-5

Is body checking allowed at the Montreal tournament?

Body checking is only allowed at the Bantam and Midget AA and AAA levels.

Please view the following 2 videos demonstrating the hits that will no longer be permitted by Hockey Quebec.  The videos are in French but are self-explanatory.  The stated goal of the new regulation is to eliminate high velocity, face to face hits.  

Video 1 demonstrates a classic blind side hit. The player in white arrives from the puck carriers blind side, changes direction to initiate contact and then hits him head on. The rule is clear: had the player in white initiated contact while targeting the shoulder (a shoulder to shoulder hit), this contact would be legal. However, because the hit ends up being face to face, this will no longer be permitted.

Video 1

Video 2 demonstrates a face to face impact. The result is a high speed, high impact collision that puts the puck carrier in a vulnerable position.  Once again the key is that the resulting body check is to the puck carriers sternum (logo) as both players were skating towards each other. Once again, had the puck carrier been stationary, on the side board, the defenseman could have pinched and initiated contact without there being a penalty.

Video 2